This documentation provides a comprehensive guide for students on using Una’s virtual classroom. It covers entering classrooms, navigating interfaces, completing tasks, coding, using chatrooms, and logging out.
Student’s homepage overview
In student’s homepage, virtual classrooms (sometimes named Sessions), are grouped into two sections: “active” and “complete”.
For a virtual classroom that is “active”, there are four possible statuses:
- In progress
- Paused
- Assembling
- New
Virtual classrooms that are “complete” only have one status:
- Complete

Find virtual classrooms by sorting
You can sort virtual classrooms by their title, type, status, and time of creation. For example:
- Pressing “title” would order virtual classrooms by alphabetical order (from A to Z or from Z to A).
- Pressing “status” would prioritize the displaying of classrooms that are “in progress”.
- Pressing “creation time” would display classrooms from oldest to newest, or newest to oldest.

Enter a virtual classroom
There are two ways to enter a virtual classroom. These ways of entering the classroom depend on your situation:
Method 1: Through assembly from the teacher
Before the class starts, the teacher can assemble the whole class. Once the teacher clicks assembly, students who are online and belong to the class will see an invitation popup which invites them to attend the class. Student can press “confirm” to enter the virtual classroom.

Although assembly has occurred, the class may not have been started. Please wait patiently for further instructions from the teacher. In the lower left corner of this current interface, you can see the name of your group members.

Method 2: Enter a virtual classroom by yourself
In the case that student cannot receive assembly invitations, student can enter virtual classrooms by yourself.
- Select the menu “active”.
- Select a virtual classroom with the statuses “in progress”, “paused”, or “assembling”.

After successfully entering the virtual classroom
If student successfully enter a virtual classroom, student will see different interfaces depending on the virtual classroom’s status.

Interfaces of virtual classroom change according to its state
1. New
A virtual classroom with this status means that the teacher has created it but has not started assembly yet.

2. Assembling
A virtual classroom with this status means that the teacher has created the classroom and started assembling students. From this interface, you can see your group members, and you should wait for further instructions from the teacher.

3. In progress
A virtual classroom with this status means that the teacher has started the class. You can enter the virtual classroom to join the class and start learning.

4. Paused
This status means that the virtual class has been temporarily paused. Student have to wait for the teacher to resume the class to start lesson.

5. Complete
A virtual classroom with this status means the class is completed, and the teacher has ended this class. You can only check your previously submitted work in this interface.

View Task Instructions
You should follow task instructions (or descriptions) to complete the task. The task descriptions can be viewed at any time. When you enter a new task, a window showing the task description will appear automatically. If you close the window, you can click the name of the task to show the window again.

Change the size of the task instruction window
The task instruction window can contain multiple forms of media to assist the student in completing the task, including PDF, videos, and websites etc. You can adjust the size of the task instruction window to make it easier to view instructions.
- Click the menu to select a template, e.g., 2×2.
- Click the menu to select how the media is displayed, e.g., PDF.
- You can also click the up and down arrows to increase the amount of columns and rows.

Maximize the task instruction box
You can maximize the size of the task instruction box to make viewing the instructions more comfortable.
- Click the name of the task on the top of the interface.
- Click the icon on the top right corner of the window.
- A new window will appear in a new tab.

Navigate Between Different Tasks
When you finish a task, you may move on to the next task by yourself.
- Click the task menu in the low right-hand corner.
- Choose the task you wish to go to.

Teachers can set lock-steps at places where they think students should stop and wait for further instructions. When a lock-step is set on a certain task, students cannot move to that task. You should wait for further instructions from the teacher, and once the teacher removes the lock-step, you can move to that task or after. For instance, if the teacher sets a lock-step after task three, you will not be able to proceed to task four or any subsequent tasks.

Submit Answers in Q&A Tasks
Multiple choice questions
In certain tasks, there are multiple choice questions that test your knowledge of the course. You can click the small box next to each of the options to select your answer.

Short answer questions
Some tasks include short answer questions instead. You can type your answers in the box below the words ”Answer”.

Submit answers
When you are done with your response, you have to submit your answers. Once the answers are submitted successfully, the teacher would know that you have handed in your answers. To submit your work, follow the steps below:
- Click “Submit”.
- A window would pop up. Click “Confirm”.
- Click “Close”.

View Current and Submitted Work in History
The history function allows students to look at their automatically saved or previously submitted work history. If students accidentally delete their coding progress, they can restore their work through the history, and they would not have to start from the beginning.
- Press the “history” button on the top right corner.
- In this interface you can see records of your submitted and automatically saved work. There are three menus on the top of the page that allow you to choose:

a. Tasks: students can first select any task here.
b. Mode: For the selected task, students can select either showing all (auto-save and submitted) or only submitted tasks here.
c. Save: For the selected task, students can view any work history based on the time it was saved.

Reminder: Students can export or share any work through history. Also, students can submit multiple times, and all records can be revealed.
Communicate with Groupmates in Chatroom
Chatrooms enable group communication among students. Opening a chatroom will display its members.
- If your teacher enables the chatroom feature, you can click the top right corner to open the chatroom.
- After typing out your message in the box, you can press the “enter” key on your keyboard or the send button to send the message into the chatroom.

Reminder: If a chatroom was disabled by the teacher, you will not see the chatroom icon on your interface.
Leave the Classroom and Log Out
When the lesson ends, you can click the “exit” button at the top right corner to leave the virtual classroom.
If you want to log out, you can:
- click the “logout” button on the top left corner when you are still in a virtual classroom, or
- return to the main page to log out

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