This documentation guides teachers on using Una Platform for virtual classrooms, monitoring student progress, and checking task submissions.
Join a virtual classroom
After login Una Platform, you can teach in a virtual classroom. In this tutorial, we will use “Free: #2. How many inputs and outputs?” as an example.
- Choose the tab “Active”
- Choose a virtual classroom (e.g., Free #2. How many inputs and outputs?)
Note: It is recommended that you finished the student tutorial, “Try learning in a virtual classroom” first. Then use the student account to experience the real-time update function of Una Platform.

Real-time monitoring student’s learning progress
You can monitor student learning progress in real-time on Una Platform. It is great to know whether students follow the lesson well and how they perform in the class. Based on the real-time observation, you may re-arrange the teaching schedule if needed.
Check student online status
- Click the title of the session.
- Check the status in “Manage Students”.
- A. Student online status – When the grid in green light, it means the student is online. When it is in grey, the student is offline.
- B. Student working task – The number shown on the circle means which task the student is working on. For example, if the number is 2 in the circle, it means the student is working on task 2.

Check submission through dashboard
- Click “Dashboard” on the session
- Click “Task submission” – If the grid is green, it means the student submitted the task. Else, the grid will be blank.

Check submitted answer for Q&A
You can check the correctness of Q&A submission. If the grid is green, it means the answer is right. If the grid is red, it means the answer is wrong. Also, you can check the submission count on the left column on the table.
- Click “Question Response”
- Click the drop-down menu to choose the task
- Click “Show Correctness” to check answer by system

Check student’s work
You can also check any student’s work in real-time.
- Click the title of the session
- Go to “Manage Students”
- Click the button, next to the students’ name
- Click the drop-down menu “Task” to choose the task you want to check
- Click the drop-down menu “Mode”

Exploring More Teachers Features of the Virtual Classroom
To enhance your understanding and make the most of Una virtual classroom, please refer to:
Table of Content