1. Getting Started with UnaGPT
Tasting UnaGPT as Teachers - Setup and Distribute AI Exercises
Tasting UnaGPT as Teachers - Setup and Distribute AI Exercises

This documentation guides teachers on setting up AI exercises using UnaGPT, covering activity creation, task configuration, virtual classroom setup, student monitoring, and reviewing AI-generated feedback.

Free Trial Registration

The following instructions are suitable for users who have applied for a free trial of UnaGPT. Teachers are welcome to apply or contact us for details. Register Now

Step 1: Login and Change User Interface Language

  1. Go Una’s Login Page: https://app.una.study/
  2. Log in to the platform using a teacher account. Detailed instructions: User Login and Change Display Language.
  3. Optionally, you may click on “User Profile” to enter the user profile page and choose another UI language.

Step 2: Create AI auto-grading and feedback activity

  1. Click “Activity Library” on the left menu, go to “Other Activities”, then click the “Create” button on the top right corner.
  1. Fill in the activity title, then click “Create”. You may also input other details.
  1. A dialog will pop up after clicking “Create”, please choose “Yes”, you will be redirected to create tasks and questions.

Step 3: Create activity content

Section: Task information

There are 2 type of AI Question Tasks, Short QnA will be used in this tutorial as an example:

Short QnA

  • allow max. 300 token in student answer, 1200 token in Question and Marking Scheme
  • can choose GPT AI model used in grading student answers
  • multiple AI questions in the same task
  • allow non AI MC question

Long AI QnA

  • allow max. 3000 token in student answer, Question and Marking Scheme
  • must use GPT-4o AI model in grading student answers
  • only 1 AI question in the same task
  • no MC question in the task

How does the system deduct AI credits? Once an AI evaluated answer is submitted, the system will deduct AI credits based on the selected question type and AI model.

The latest AI credit-to-usage ratio can be found here: UnaGPT

  1. On the top right corner of activity content, change the task type to “Short QnA”.
  1. Fill in Task Title.
  2. Optionally fill in Task details by inserting text or any other content, the content in Task details will be displayed on student Task instruction.

Section: Task questions

  1. Change the question Grading Method to “AI Evaluation”.
  1. Fill in
    • question details
    • marking details (marking scheme or/and sample answer)
    • marks (minimum: 1)

Remarks: For Marking Scheme, you can input up to 1200 token in Short QnA and 3000 token in Long AI QnA

  1. Optionally select the 1) Language of AI evaluation and 2) AI Model.

Other options:

Forward Sample Answer to GPT: Enable sending the sample answer as a marking reference to the AI for evaluation

Identify Linguistic Errors: Enable highlighting linguistic errors to students in an essay

Hide Correction from Student: Enable hiding the suggested correction of a linguistic error to students, it will be displayed when Identify Linguistic Errors is enabled

  1. Click + button to add new questions and repeat steps 1 – 3.

How to add other content or questions to this task? Detailed instructions: Setup Learning Activities (Upload Learning Materials).

Section: Submission options

The bottom part of each task is the task submission option, you can change the default setting.

Maximum Submission Attempts

the maximum times that a student can submit for the current task


  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

Calculation of Final Score

the way to calculate the score of the current task


  • Use the score of the last submission
  • Average score of all submissions calculated by: ({1st submission score} + …) / {number of submission}
    • example: 1st submission 2 marks, 2nd submission 4 marks. Final = (2+4)/2 = 3 marks

Release Score

the way that grading and feedback is released to students for the current task


  • Immediately: right after submission
  • After Review (Only applicable to task with AI evaluation question): after teacher reviewed

Step 4: Complete creating activity content

  1. Click “New Task” button on the left bottom corner to add more tasks in the activity, then repeat sections in Step 3: Create activity content above.
  1. After adding all tasks, click “Save” on bottom right corner to save the created activity content.

Step 5: Create a virtual classroom (Session)

You can create a virtual classroom using the activity above for your students to finish the tasks.

  1. Click “Teaching Session” on the left menu, then click “Create Session” on the top right corner.
  1. Fill in Title.
  1. Click the “Select” button on the right of the Activity field.
  1. Select the AI activity created in the dialog.
  1. Choose “UnaGPT Trial” grouping template.

Cannot find the grouping template? If you cannot find a grouping template, you can also add a new grouping template. Detailed instructions: Setup Grouping Templates.

  1. Click “Create”, then choose “Yes” to start a lesson in virtual classroom.

Step 6: Start a lesson!

Section: Admit students to join a lesson

  1. After switching to the virtual classroom, click “Assemble” to invite students to join the lesson.
  1. After the button changes to “Start”, click again to start the lesson, which allows students in any group to enter this virtual classroom and answer questions.

Section: Adjust virtual classroom options

You can toggle “Show Score, Comment and Answers” switch to display or hide the grading and feedback from students.

Section: Monitor the submission status of students

  1. Click “Submissions” tab.
  2. Choose “Marking”.

You can check the marking status of each student.

  • Autograded: AI feedback has been released to the student, while teacher can still alter the released content.
  • Pending: Teacher is required to review AI-generated feedback.
  • Appealing: Teacher is required to handle an appeal by the student.
  • Completed: Teacher has 1) reviewed AI feedback or 2) handled an appeal and released the altered content to the student.

Section: Review AI generated grades and feedback

You can click on “Autograded”, “Pending” and “Appealing” statuses to check, review or alter AI grading and feedback.

  1. Update feedback, for example, add a suggestion.
  1. Click “Submit” to update the feedback.

Remarks: The student cannot re-submit an updated task

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