Virtual Training Seminar cooperated with Microsoft – Establish IT Innovation Lab at School

As Microsoft Global Training Partner, we are glad to be invited to have a speech in the upcoming virtual training seminar, namely Establish IT Innovation Lab Virtual Training Seminar – Establish IT Innovation Lab at School at School, together with Microsoft, HKSKH Bishop Hall Secondary School, and Coding 101. Throughout the seminar, Una will introduce a wide variety of AI training workshops, certificates, and relevant tools. Feel free to join us in this virtual training seminar and we look forward to your participation!

Details are as follows:
Topic: Establish IT Innovation Lab at School
Target: All educators
Date: 11 December 2020
Time: 15:30 – 17:00

How Microsoft provides support and guidance through “Establish IT Innovation Lab at School” with the inclusion of 4 areas under the themes of learning Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data, and Cloud Connect (Learn ABC with Microsoft).
i. Infrastructure and equipment
ii. Innovative AI courses, applications, development, and experiences, including Intelligent Kiosk and AI for Good programs
iii. Learning resource from Microsoft Learn
iv. Microsoft accreditation and certificate

i. Mr. Kam Wai Ming (Principal) and Mr. Yao Yiu Wing (Teacher) from HKSKH Bishop Hall Secondary School
ii. Representatives from Coding 101
iii. Representatives from Una