This documentation guides teachers on managing learning activities, including creating, editing, and setting activities content and permissions on the Una Platform.
Setup Activity in Activity Library
- At the Activity Library page, click “Collections” to see the Learning Activity published by Una.
- At “Other Activities”, you can find those materials prepared by you and Una that are not shown on the “Collections” page.
- Click the “+ Create” button at the upper-right corner to make or upload learning activities you prepared.

Access Una’s prepared Learning Activities (Collections)
Collections is the Learning Activity published by Una. Whether you have subscribed to that Learning Activity or not, you can see all of the Learning Activities published by Una.
- On this page, you can click the menu below “Collections” to change the Activity Language, such as English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese.
- Click the arrow sign under the Activity Name to see the Chapter Title, Subscription Status, Tags, Last Modified and the detailed content of the lesson you choose.
Access subscribed learning activities
- If you have subscribed to a Learning Activity, the page will show a green colour at the Chapter Title under the Activity menu and a tick mark (✓) at the “Subscribed” column.
- Click “Details” to check the Learning Activity content that you are interested in, as shown below.

Access not yet subscribed Learning Activities
- If you have not yet subscribed to the Learning Activity of your choice, the platform will show a grey colour at the Chapter Title under the Activity menu and will NOT show a tick mark (✓) at the “Subscribed” column.
- Click “Details” to see the page below. If you are interested in any Una’s Learning Activity, please feel free to contact Una’s team.

Access Other Activities that is not in collections
In Other Activities tab, it contains Learning Activities either prepared by you or published by Una but is not added in Collections yet. You can check out information of other activities, such as the “School”, “Type” of Activities, “Title”, “Tags”, “Last Modified” and the “Editable” column.
Click “Details” to check on the detailed information of other activities.

Create a new learning activity
Setup General Information
You are required to set up the general information of the Learning Activity. Students can check out the general information if the teaching session is opened.
- Click the text box to enter the title of Learning Activity
- Click on the drop-down menu to choose the required device for your Learning Activity, such as Micro:bit, AI and unapwa. Only one device can be chosen by each Learning activity.
- Click the text box to enter the course description
- Click “Select Image” to set up the image of the Learning Activity
- Click the “Close” button after selecting the image

Setup Tags
Set up the tags of your Learning Activity, such as “Subject” and “Keyword” to search and classify the Learning Activity more effectively.
- Click “Select” to choose the subject of the Learning Activity, such as “gs”
- Click “Confirm”
- Click the text box to enter the keywords of Learning Activity. After entering a keyword, use the spacebar function of your keyboard to enter the next keyword.
- To delete a tag, move the cursor of your mouse to the tag you want to delete and click on the cross sign
Remarks: You need to enter all of the information with the * sign in order to create a Learning Activity.

Setup Access Right
The teacher who creates the Learning Activity can edit the access right of the other teachers, it includes “Admin”, “Edit” and “View”. The upper blank space area represents those users who have access right while the lower blank space area represents the users that are excluded from admin.
- Admin: Teachers who own this access right can view, use, edit Learning Activity and change the access right
- Edit: Teachers who own this access right can view, use and edit Learning Activity
- View: Teachers who own this access right can only view and use the Learning Activity
If you want to change the access right during the creation of Learning Activity, follow the steps as follow:
- Select the type of access right from the left-hand side, such as “Admin”, “Edit” and “View”.
- Enter the user’s name in the blank space area to search for the user of your choice. A list will appear to show the searching result.
- If you need to delete a user, move the cursor of your mouse to the user’s name and click on the cross sign

Click the “Create” button after completing all the steps. After clicking it, a window will pop up, click “Yes” to finish it.

Setup Task Description
Create questions for Learning Activity
On this page, you can create missions and task instructions for your Learning Activity. You can also upload photos, videos and hyperlinks. Besides, you can set up “Lock-step”, “Marks” and add “Sample Code” on this page.
- Device Tag: It shows the device you are using in a specific task.
- Task Version: It shows the current version of the task, such as Version 1 and Version 2.
- Task Title: Click the text box to enter the name of the task.
- Task Type (Coding/ QnA): Task type is categorized as Coding and QnA. You can click on this list to decide task type.
- Text Editing Tool: This tool can edit task instructions and QnA. The detailed usage will be shown as follow.
- Task Details: Click the text box to enter the task instructions and details of a task.
- Task List: It shows all the tasks of the entire Learning Activity.
- New Task: Click this button to add a new task.
- Lock-step: Click this button to add “lock-step”.

Features of Text Editing Tool
You can start to create tasks after understanding the basic functions of our interface. You can enter Task Title, choose Task Type, and then use “Markdown” or “External Document” to start editing task details and task content.
- Bold, Italic, Header
- Newline, Bulleted list, Numbered list, Table
- Hyperlink, Image, Embedded video (hyperlink of the video is needed)
- Preview Mode, Full-Screen Mode
- Detailed “Markdown” instruction (Click this button to read the detailed instructions of the Text Editing Tool if necessary)

Integrate with external document from Google Drive
Integrate with external document
“External Document” is used to embed documents from other cloud platforms into Una Tasks. It can be used as the task introduction as teaching materials, e.g. introductive PDF file or videos, of your Learning Activities. You can upload your documents on Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive first, then embed the document inside the website following the steps below.
- Login to Google Drive, click on the document you want to upload
- Click the “File” button on the left-hand side
- Click “Publish to the web”

- Click “Embed”
- Click “Publish”
- Click “OK” if a pop-up window shows up to ask are you sure to publish the selection
- Copy the embed link

- Go back to Una Platform, click “External Document”, paste the copied link on the text box and click the blank space.

Recommended Solution: Upload your document in PDF format to Google Drive and set it to “share with everyone.” Copy and paste the link onto the Una Platform, then change the link setting from “View” to “Preview.” This method allows students to read task instructions without extra login steps.
Integrate with external document from Microsoft OneDrive
- Login OneDrive, click on the document you want to upload
- Click the “File” button on the left-hand side

- After opening up the menu, click “Share”
- Click the “Embed” button
- Copy the Embed Code inside the frame, and you can see a reminder that show you successfully copied the code.

- Go back to Una Platform, click “External Document”, paste the copied link on the text box and click the blank space.
No matter which method you use, if you successfully embed the document to the website, you will see the document you uploaded in the preview panel.
Remarks: You can embed only one external document to each task.

Set up more tasks
Tasks are divided into QnA and Coding. You can edit the task of the Learning Activity by following the steps below.
- Set up the task type – Click the pull-down menu to choose the question format, such as QnA and Coding
- Set up the Marks – Click the box next to “Marks”, change the number inside the box to set up the Marks for each question
- Enter the question – Click the text box to enter your questions
- New task – Click the “+New Task” button to add new tasks
- Set up “Lock-step” – Click this button to add lock-step
- Drag & drop the sequence of the tasks on the left-hand side of the task list
- After editing the task of the Learning Activity, you need to click the “Save” button

Edit Coding Task
When editing the Coding Task, you can add Sample Code inside the Coding Task after entering the task instructions on “Markdown” or “External Document”.
- Click the pull-down menu and choose “Coding”
- Click the “+ Add” button
- After the coding interface pops up, you can import your Sample Code to the coding area (You can also upload Hex File to add your Sample Code). Visit “Micro:bit coding” to read more and learn the steps.
- Click the “Save” button

Edit QnA Task
QnA tasks are divided into Short Questions and Multiple Choice (MC) Questions, they are slightly different when entering the answers. The marks of QnA Tasks are counted by each question. If there are 5 questions and the student can earn 1 mark for each correct answer, the total marks will be 5 marks.
A. Short Questions
You need to set up the Task Type as “Answer Box” in order to edit Question Task. Click the text box below the “Answer” title font to enter the first answer. Click the “Enter” button on your keyboard to enter the next answer option (if necessary).
B. Multiple Choice Questions
You need to set up the Task Type as “MC” in order to edit Question Task. Click the text box below the “Answer” title font to enter the first answer option. Click the “Enter” button on your keyboard to enter the next answer option. After entering all of the answer options, check (✓) the square area beside the correct answer to determine it is the question’s correct answer.
Notice: The auto answer-checking function in the dashboard can only show the right or wrong of the MC questions

Use Shortcuts to Add/Delete/Duplicate Question
There are three shortcuts’ buttons besides the “marks” of each question editing panel. From left to right, they are “Add question”, “Delete question” and “Duplicate question”.
- Add question: Click this button to add a new question.
- Delete question: Click this button to delete a question.
- Duplicate question: Click this button to copy both the question and answer.

Setup Task Validation
The function of Task Validation is to ensure students are meeting a particular answering requirement before submitting the task.
- “None”: Students can submit the task with no Task Validation requirement.
- “Not Blank” : Students need to answer all the questions before submitting the task.
- “Correct”: Students need to answer all the questions correctly before submitting the task.

Edit Activity
After creating a Learning Activity, you can edit the Learning Activity if you own the Manage and Edit Permission. Una Platform will take the edited version and save it as your Learning Activity. Here are the ways for you to edit a Learning Activity on the Una Platform.
- Click “Activity Library”
- Click “Other Activities”
- Choose the Activity you want to edit and click “Details”
- Click and select the activity version you want to edit in the drop-down menu
- Click the “Edit” button)

Understand the versions control of components
Each time you edit a component (e.g., general, subject, task) in a Learning Activity, it saves as a new Version.
- Choose the component you want to edit, click on the menu and click on the task version you want to edit
- Click the “Edit” button
- After making changes, click “save” upon completion

Select Component Versions and Publish Learning Activity
After updating different components, choose the component’s versions you want to use in the new Edition of the learning activity. Click “Publish” at the top to create the new edition. When you create a new virtual classroom, you can then select this new edition.
Change Activity Permission
If you own the management permission, follow the steps below to edit Activity Permission.
- Click the “Permission Setting” button
- Click the “Edit” button
- Choose the permission type from the left-hand side, such as “Admin”, “Edit” and “View”
- Enter the user’s name in the blank space, choose the user from the list below
- If you want to remove one user’s Right, click the cross sign besides user name
- Click the “Save” button after completing all the steps
- Click “Close”

Click the “Publish” button after you finished all the modifications.

Table of Content