User Manual

UnaGPT Tasting Lesson – First Time User Guide

「UnaGPT」AI Auto-marking Free Trial

The following instructions are suitable for users who have applied for a free trial of UnaGPT. Teachers are welcome to apply or contact us for details.
Before 1 Mar

Step 1: Change Interface Language (Optional)

  1. Go Una’s Login Page:
  2. Log in to the platform using a student account (Detailed instructions: user-manual/student/student-getting-started/student-login)
  3. Click on the avatar to enter the user profile page
  1. Choose another language

Step 2: Read Task Instruction

  1. Enter the session (virtual classroom) – “UnaGPT Experience Lesson”。
  2. Once you entered a session (virtual classroom), task instruction will be prompted on the right.
  1. If you are not able to see the instructions, click the task details box as shown.

Step 3: Answer and submit a task

  1. Click the task menu below to select the subject you are interested in.
  1. Type answer in answer box.
  1. You can find the test answers we provide in the task instruction. If you need to copy the answer, you can click “Copy” and paste it into the answer box.
  1. In addition, if you want to quickly find test answers, you can enter “T{task number}.{question number}” in the search box. For example, “T2.1” means searching for the first question of the second task.
  1. After completing all questions in the same task, click “Submit”.
  1. Choose “Confirm” after a dialog pops up. Wait for the AI evaluation patiently, do not close or refresh this tab.

Step 4: Check AI Generated Grade and Feedback

  1. AI grading and feedback will be released according to mode setting.
    • Immediate Mode: student can check the grade and feedback right after submission or find in History. Remarks: This mode is selected for all tasks in this example.
    • Review Mode: student can only check the grade and feedback after teacher reviewed the score and comment.

Step 5: File an Appeal (Applicable for Immediate Mode Only)

  1. Student can file an appeal concerning AI feedback.
  2. Click “File an Appeal” button
  1. Select questions to be appealed and fill in the reason. Remarks: student cannot file an appeal on question with full mark obtained.
  2. Click “Submit” after filling in Appeal Reason for all questions require an appeal.
  3. After teacher reviewed the appeal, student will receive a notification on the main page, and email notification. Remarks: This is only applicable to students who uses an email address to login to the platform.