User Manual


How to mark the task?

When a virtual classroom is in the status of “Completion”, teachers can mark students’ tasks and download reports as a reference. Mark the task by following the steps below. 

1.Choose the virtual classroom that is in the “Complete” state, click the “Mark” button on the right-hand side 

2. Pick the lesson details from the drop-down menu: 

a. Member: Select a student 

b. Task: Select a task 

c. Mode: Select to show “Submission only” or “All” 

d. Save: Select the saving version 

3. Check the Marking Mode from the right-hand side (If that task has a marking setting) 

Editing the user list

4. After choosing all the details, click “Mark” 

5. Click the button beside the mark number to adjust Marks. (Only for questions that set with marks beforehand) 

6. Click “Save” upon finishing all the steps 

7. If you finished marking all the tasks, click “Back” to mark the next student 

When you successfully marked a task, you can see the title of the task become green in colour and stated as “(marked)”. Those tasks that are not marked will be shown in red font. 

Notice: Require time for the system to update 

Download Report

After finishing marking, go back to the virtual classroom. Click the “Download Report” button. You will get an excel file with all the marked students and the scores of tasks in order to review students’ performance.