User Manual

Interface Introduction

Through the real-time dashboard, you can view students’ tasks in real-time. In this interface, you can also manage the settings of the virtual classroom. You can go to “Virtual Classroom” and click on the virtual classroom you want to manage. The following will introduce you to the interface of the real-time dashboard. 

  1. The name of Virtual Classroom 
  2. Change the name of a Virtual Classroom 
  3. Delete a Virtual Classroom (Only virtual classrooms that have not yet started can be deleted) 
  4. The four functions of Real-time dashboard are “Manage Students”, “Manage Devices”, “Manage Quotes” and “Dashboard”.

The virtual classrooms of different devices show different functions.  

  • Micro:bit : “Manage Students” and “Dashboard” 
  • AI App for Raspberry Pi: “Manage Students”, “Manage Devices”, “Manage Quotes” and “Dashboard” 
  • AI App on Web: “Manage Students”, “Manage Quotes” and “Dashboard”