User Manual

Coding Tasks

Zooming in or zooming out

You can adjust the size of the coding space to make completing your task easier. 

Personal coding space

This coding space is used for personal coding. In your own coding space, you can drag blocks out or write your own program. When submitting your answers, only work in your personal coding space will be submitted.

  • Copying and pasting codes in the same coding space

Place your mouse onto the block you want to copy. Click your right mouse button, and click “duplicate”.

  • Sample code

This tab would only show the sample code provided by the teacher, given to students as reference. If the teacher has provided a sample code, you can click on the “sample code” tab to view it.

If you want to copy the sample code into your personal coding space, you can follow the steps below. 

Personal coding space

Import and export functions can be used in both coding spaces and version history. This function allows students to copy and paste blocks of code.

1a. (All blocks) Place your mouse at a blank part of the coding space. Click your right mouse button, and click “export all blocks”.

1b. (A singular block) Place your mouse on the block you wish to copy. Click your right mouse button, and click “export”.

2. You will see the export window. Click the “copy” button, then click the “close” button.

3. Navigate to where you want to paste the code. Place your mouse on an empty part of the coding space and click your right mouse button. Then, click “import”.

4. You will see the import window. Right click your mouse on the empty space, and click the “paste” button to paste the previously copied information into the text box.

5. Press the “import button”. Click the “close” button to close the window.

Group members' coding spaces

From this interface, you can see the personal coding spaces of other teammates. Click the “view groupmates” tab, select the name of your groupmate, and you can see your groupmate’s interface.

Group coding spaces

This coding space allows members of a group to collaboratively edit a code.

In a group coding space, you can take turns to edit a code with your group members. Whenever you want to edit the code, you can press the “edit” button.

  1. When done editing, you must press the “stop” button.

Reminder: When another group member is editing the code, you cannot edit the code. 


When you are done with your work, you have to submit it. When you successfully submit, your teacher would be notified. 

  1. Click “submit”. 
  2. A window will appear. Click “confirm” to submit your answer. 
  3. Click “close” to close the window.

Reminder: When doing a coding task, even if you did not submit your answer, the teacher can still view your work and see your progress.

Sharing your code

After you submit your work, you can choose to share your code with someone in the same virtual classroom, in the same school, or everyone.

  1. After you submit your code, a window will pop up, asking if you want to share your submission. Click “yes”.
  2. You can then edit your project name.
  3. You can also choose who you are sharing your submission with.
  4. Press “generate link” to generate a sharing link, then click “copy link” to copy the generated link.
  5. When you successfully copy the link, the word “copied” will appear beside the button.
  6. Press “done”.
  7. Paste the link to where you want to share your link.

Types of program editors

Una platform supports the original and modified versions of Microsoft MakeCode for students to create more powerful and innovative micro:bit and AI devices, teaching students more ways to create a program.

  • Type 1: Micro:bit

Microsoft MakeCode is embedded in Una platform, allowing students to perform block based coding. Micro:bit can process programs created by Microsoft MakeCode’s block based program editor, which is officially approved. You can find the software at The software includes instructions and computer data ordered in a specific way. 

  • Type 2: AI App

1. Raspberry Pi smart device. 

Using Raspberry Pi along with coding blocks to create a program.

2. Web app

After completing your block-based code on Una platform, you can display it on the web.