User Manual

Manage Students

In this interface, teachers can view the online status of students, adjust student groups, add students, chatrooms, blackboards, and Lock-step. You can view the progress of students in realtime through the Una platform, check whether they can keep up with the progress, and adjust the pace of teaching as soon as possible. 

Online Status

A. View the online status of students 

If a student has entered the classroom, the student’s label will turn green. If the label is gray, the student is offline. 

B. View the progress of students in real-time 

The number shown in the circle next to the student’s name represents which task the student is doing. For example, the number is displayed as 1, which means that the student is in task 1. 

C. You can click the button next to the student’s name to check the student’s history in real-time, including the auto-saving and submitting records. 

  1. Click the “task” menu to choose the task you want to check 
  2. Click the “Mode” menu 

Adjust Student Grouping

Teachers can still change the grouping on this page. You can drag students to redistribute student groups.  

Notice: Students must be assigned to one of the groups before they can participate in the class. 

Add Students

If there are students who have not been added in the “Group Template”, you can add students on this page. 

  1. Click the “+ Add Students” button  
  2. Click on the menu to select the user list or directly select students 
  3. Click “Add” after selecting all the students you need 
  4. Click “Confirm” upon completion 

When you complete, you will see the newly added students appear in “Ungrouped”. 


The teacher can press the button on the top right to choose whether to open the chat room for students who is in the same group to communicate. If it is successfully turned on, the button will turn green. Press again to close the chatroom. 


Teachers can use blackboards and task instructions to demonstrate and explain to students in class.  

  1. Click the “Blackboard” button and a “Virtual Blackboard” pop-up window will show up 
  2. Click the menu on the upper left-hand side to choose a task 
  3. Choose the Task Content or Instructions from the menu on the upper right-hand side  

Task Content 

Select “Task Content” from the menu on the right-hand side, you can use it to conduct demonstration. 

  • Task Content 

If you want to display the answer, press the “Show Answer” button next to the question. Then press the “Hide Answer” button to hide the answer. 

  • Coding task 

You can demonstrate to students on the blackboard. If the task has a sample code, press the “Sample Code” tab on the right side of the blackboard label to display the sample code of the task. 

Task Instructions 

In the menu on the right, select “Instruction”, you can use the Instructions to explain the task. 


If you want to add a Lock-step in the class, you can press the “+ New Lock-step” button and drag it to the appropriate position. To delete a waiting point, you can click the cross button next to the “+ New Lock-step” button.